Super offpeak day, Return super important. Valid route only. Emmy Horstkamp 7/1/2024 SE7

An annual Collaboration Art Project
Super offpeak day, Return super important. Valid route only. Emmy Horstkamp 7/1/2024 SE7
Ticket number vague Letters and numbers fused Destination stop CBG Emmy Horstkamp 6/1/2024 SE7
Next station- look right. Stop. Don’t stare; view blurred each time. Platform, sign fared-gone. Emmy Horstkamp 5/1/2024 SE7
8 - Morning stamping drives days update recording thoughts - modernising. 7- Making known so many clues— tip offs. 6- Objections and protestations of demurred disputes. 5. Modernize your grievances - injustices blasting. 4- Opportunity damaged - wrongly rumbled. 3- Reported Hoo-ha pain. 2- Earned rap. 1-jacket… 2-Update jacket, 3- verified record sleeve, 4- environmental wrapper electrified 24/7. 5- noncontributory marking time- watching vaguely. 6- Amending on edge waiting a nod. 7 Telling hopeful and anxious set- hands free. 8- Extinguished expectations of at fingertips inline trust.
End station Kings Cross. Graffiti covered inside. Bumpy second class. Emmy Horstkamp 4/1/2024 SE7
Morning after storm, Heron flying overhead, quietly turning. Emmy Horstkamp 3/1/24 SE7
8 - Imply something as morning darkness echo fades. 7 - No longer seeing speculations - glass showing everyday. 6 - Nagging tug at my eyes, eye-sight. 5 - object-orientated, your selfish desire stopped, 4- Narrated life, abandoned detente 3 - Obligation eradicated full-stop 2 - Naïveté tortured. 1 - nave-me 2 - Obedient, racketed, 43 - tete a tete 3- Yakkety-Yak yap at, 5 - Obsessed circle of observable axis, 6- udometer set like film covered…adulterated. 7- Radial distance set at world somewhere far. 8- Something implied. Now work days forever passing for existence. Emmy Horstkamp 02/01/24 SE7
Darkness - lights above. Outside windows pass like film. See forty circles. Emmy Horstkamp 02/01/2024 SE7
Speed for commuting, set at forty; Somewhere near. Windows lit for work. Emmy Horstkamp 02/01/2024 SE7
Cross country 56630 Humming voices muffled- by wind and a mechanical sigh. Revving high, sailing away… voices mumbling behind me. Emmy Horstkamp 01/01/24 SE7
See six lights forward. One small light to the back -dim…Blackness waiting for nothing. Emmy Horstkamp 31/12/2023
Avoiding puddles, Voice. Misted words still walking- path covered with boughs. Emmy Horstkamp 31/12/2023 SE7
Rainwater flowing, under bridge now flooded full. Tardy water dripping. Emmy Horstkamp 31/12/2023 SE7
Morning puddles filled. Willow branch fallen free. Swaying green branches. Emmy Horstkamp 31/12/23 SE7