Recasting a life with Fenzeit and smack.
Gamefree dashing through half squares,
swiping flying starts - takeoff.
Ideal morning start signalled on train platform.
Recharged steps launching up and over the bridge walk.
by Emmy Horstkamp 23/2/2024

Recasting a life with Fenzeit and smack.
Gamefree dashing through half squares,
swiping flying starts - takeoff.
Ideal morning start signalled on train platform.
Recharged steps launching up and over the bridge walk.
by Emmy Horstkamp 23/2/2024
Two trains leaving for the same end, five cars turn to more than I can count somewhere in between sitting down and looking for the station exit. by Emmy Horstkamp 19/2/2024
Timetown delay. A day without an aperature. Enclosed by strangers. by Emmy Horstkamp 19/2/2024
Negotiating nothing new.
Crossing neither with badges or ribbons.
Years entwined rolling in digital space.
Heading to puzzle town, no hesitations.
by Emmy Horstkamp 17/2/2024
The collaboration photos and poems are written daily and will be available in 2025 as a book published by FoxRavenPress.
The above poem was written from a longer Storeyean poem. Four poems were written today based on a daily commute between two locations.
Wait! Two cards to choose. Better get them out now, not knowing which one I used, Exit by the bridge owing for the ride. 5/2/2024 - 6/2/2024 by Emmy Horstkamp
Speeding through breaking day
Prelight blurriness of red, yellow, blue.
One station passes on the way to the following,
nearest stop to final destination.
by Emmy Horstkamp
Consequences - Take Note - Minutes till yesterday arrives.
Today is significant not a now and then.
Being here, now, for a second, is *instant.*
by Emmy Horstkamp 28/1/2024
Turn up the soundwaves.
Half-toned tellings nothing.
Inked HA-HA eight hours hauled.
by Emmy Horstkamp
Windy walk today.
Puddles marking platform,
gusts in air fading.
by Emmy Horstkamp 24/1/2024
First train arrives on time.
Storm gusts blowing,
marking griffin appears,
guarding commuters - invaluable on rainy days.
by Emmy Horstkamp 24/1/2024
Mixed bag morning train, commuters to local stops and King's cross. Notions of quiet perceived and acquired. Editing the day as it happens / transpires / presents itself. by Emmy Horstkamp 22/1/2024
Strong lights casting attention on polished wood & steel.
Forged footings set for embarkation,
entrant to the commute on Stand-by.
The onset of Thursday set for seven bats-of-an-eye.
by Emmy Horstkamp 18/1/2024