Morning alone on the line
Ringing Zip Zip Zip Zap
Impossible Woman's life
means I mean something.
Excuses scrubbed history,
Starched and pressed thursday
creased down the middle.
By Emmy Horstkamp 7/3/2024

Morning alone on the line
Ringing Zip Zip Zip Zap
Impossible Woman's life
means I mean something.
Excuses scrubbed history,
Starched and pressed thursday
creased down the middle.
By Emmy Horstkamp 7/3/2024
Out in the crowd - Look, take a chance, go. Moments passing, life alarms and black birds overhead. A mist rising, doors closing, sun beams relaying. Monday started. Evaporating with morning, spring arrives Year's week nine.
Living by waiting,watch the others leave
Arrivals begin alone today.
Obdurated are crumbling
richocheting words
arrows hitting
asking no longer - just watching and waiting.
Forget a moment and mind no gap.
Emmy Horstkamp 28/2/2024
Office focused individuals inhabiting space and hierarchy.
*Remembber structure and social placing*
Investigate the whys later - low lying connections and raven's warnings.
Every digital man covered in data. Arriving in time for Tuesday's work day groove.
Methodical pace between buildings on beaten paths chosen.
Chilled air - two different lives.
by Emmy Horstkamp 27/2/2024
Advice waiting somewhere in the morning airwaves.
Examples of disinterest not telltale, just peek at the monitors.
Nothing is open to debate. Faux pas filled data doses transfer morning to assistance needed.
Exclude anything that might be red boxed.
by Emmy Horstkamp 26.2.2024
Recasting a life with Fenzeit and smack.
Gamefree dashing through half squares,
swiping flying starts - takeoff.
Ideal morning start signalled on train platform.
Recharged steps launching up and over the bridge walk.
by Emmy Horstkamp 23/2/2024
Buildings on standby - archiving by brick and colour. Life to 47 passes by -what happened in 48. How long do I have bricklayer? My photos archive the bricks and colours Will you let me write down on paper, The story facades of today?
Two trains leaving for the same end, five cars turn to more than I can count somewhere in between sitting down and looking for the station exit. by Emmy Horstkamp 19/2/2024
Timetown delay. A day without an aperature. Enclosed by strangers. by Emmy Horstkamp 19/2/2024
Negotiating nothing new.
Crossing neither with badges or ribbons.
Years entwined rolling in digital space.
Heading to puzzle town, no hesitations.
by Emmy Horstkamp 17/2/2024
The collaboration photos and poems are written daily and will be available in 2025 as a book published by FoxRavenPress.
The above poem was written from a longer Storeyean poem. Four poems were written today based on a daily commute between two locations.
Backup life lined up for today, Watching lines and dashed edges profiled. Edition three reflected through injuries. Life cornerstones missing, breathing space needed. by Emmy Horstkamp 15/2/2024