Haiku | December 31 | 2023 | Emmy Horstkamp |

See six  lights forward.
One small light to the back -dim…Blackness waiting for nothing.
  Emmy Horstkamp 31/12/2023
Avoiding puddles,
Voice. Misted words still walking-
path covered with boughs.
  Emmy Horstkamp 31/12/2023 SE7
Rainwater flowing,
under bridge now flooded full.
Tardy water dripping.
  Emmy Horstkamp 31/12/2023 SE7
Morning puddles filled.
Willow branch fallen free.
Swaying green branches.
   Emmy Horstkamp 31/12/23 SE7

Poem | December 29 |Never Doubt | 2023

8 - A voice says “The waiting room is open.
7 - A stranger’s words say “I don’t remember.”
6 - A morning mist coats the platform.
5 - Wrest this Wynn, you’re late.
4 - Waffies, I see you.
3 - Waygones moving westerly.
2 - Now nanobeans -
1 - Nonnebishy
2 - We know.
3 - An original created.
4 - Remember them recking you,
5  - icebergs melting them - forever.
6 - Sans sabot reaction. We have sawn.
7 - Opinions were not facts - don’t go crazy.
8 - Never doubt your kind or your nickname.

Poem Storeyean | December 23 |2023

8-A voice says "The waiting room is open."
7-A stranger's voice says "I don't remember."
6-A morning's mist coats the platform.
5-"Is it ok? Photo?"
4-Platform - an old concrete waiting space.
3-Painted lines flowing,
2-Pain paused.
2-"Press it."
3-"Eh, Move on."
4-Walking through the seats.
5-Waking up. Looking out. Looking -
6-And talking. To myself, to you?
7-Inside I feel myself breathing and watching.
8-"Today is not as misty as yesterday, eh?"

Emmy Horstkamp - Storeyan Poem Series 23/12/2023