A light swaying first, Beyond an accidental, Overhead pendant. by Emmy Horstkamp 15//1/2024 SE7

A light swaying first, Beyond an accidental, Overhead pendant. by Emmy Horstkamp 15//1/2024 SE7
Swamp anybodies, replying to an echo, somebody else now. by Emmy Horstkamp 13/1/2024
Ice platform stretch Reined treading deliberate. Train arrives - routine. By Emmy Horstkamp 11/1/2024 SE7
Great Anglica Plan,
Be on time, arrive on time.
Platform on hand.
by Emmy Horstkamp 10/1/2024 SE7
Great Northern Train stop.
Men walking prat side by side.
Tweeting before morn.
By Emmy Horstkamp 9-1-2024 SE7
New smell, new morning Forms situated as set Track trajectory. Emmy Horstkamp 8/1/24
Super offpeak day, Return super important. Valid route only. Emmy Horstkamp 7/1/2024 SE7
Next station- look right. Stop. Don’t stare; view blurred each time. Platform, sign fared-gone. Emmy Horstkamp 5/1/2024 SE7
8 - Morning stamping drives days update recording thoughts - modernising. 7- Making known so many clues— tip offs. 6- Objections and protestations of demurred disputes. 5. Modernize your grievances - injustices blasting. 4- Opportunity damaged - wrongly rumbled. 3- Reported Hoo-ha pain. 2- Earned rap. 1-jacket… 2-Update jacket, 3- verified record sleeve, 4- environmental wrapper electrified 24/7. 5- noncontributory marking time- watching vaguely. 6- Amending on edge waiting a nod. 7 Telling hopeful and anxious set- hands free. 8- Extinguished expectations of at fingertips inline trust.