Collaboration Notes

Dr. Emmy Horstkamp and Storey Tarris UK are taking a break until September 2024.   Storey Tarris shares photographs with Salaterre but for the rest of July and August, she will be writing and sharing photographs on her blog while Dr. Horstkamp works on a collage prose style to be used for the rest of 2024.

Blog for Storey Tarris UK – Storey’s personal blog

Staff of

Collaboration Notes June 25, 2024

Emmy Horstkamp has another course to take and Storey will be traveling through Europe. The two have decided to use their Collage book as part of the series. The book has been published in digital form and will be printed in the Salaterre series.

The collaboration of poems and photographs will start again after the European holiday season.

Draft: Morning Stamping | Storeyean Poem | January 4 | 2024| Emmy Horstkamp

8 - Morning stamping drives days update recording thoughts - modernising.
7- Making known so many clues— tip offs.
6- Objections and protestations of demurred disputes.
5. Modernize your grievances - injustices blasting.
4- Opportunity damaged - wrongly rumbled.
3- Reported Hoo-ha pain.
2- Earned rap.
2-Update jacket,
3- verified record sleeve,
4- environmental wrapper electrified 24/7.
5- noncontributory marking time- watching vaguely.
6- Amending on edge waiting a nod.
7 Telling hopeful and anxious set- hands free.
8- Extinguished expectations of at fingertips inline trust.

Draft: Storeyean Poetry | Something Dark Fades | January 2| 2024 | SE 7| Emmy Horstkamp |

8 - Imply something as morning darkness echo fades.
7 - No longer seeing speculations - glass showing everyday.
6 - Nagging tug at my eyes, eye-sight.
5 - object-orientated, your selfish desire stopped,
4- Narrated life, abandoned detente 
3 - Obligation eradicated full-stop 
2 - Naïveté tortured.
1 -  nave-me 
2 - Obedient, racketed,
43 - tete a tete 
3- Yakkety-Yak yap at, 
5 - Obsessed circle of observable axis,
6- udometer set like film covered…adulterated.
7- Radial distance set at world somewhere far.
8- Something implied. Now work days forever passing for existence. 

Emmy Horstkamp 02/01/24 SE7