8 - A voice says “The waiting room is open. 7 - A stranger’s words say “I don’t remember.” 6 - A morning mist coats the platform. 5 - Wrest this Wynn, you’re late. 4 - Waffies, I see you. 3 - Waygones moving westerly. 2 - Now nanobeans - 1 - Nonnebishy 2 - We know. 3 - An original created. 4 - Remember them recking you, 5 - icebergs melting them - forever. 6 - Sans sabot reaction. We have sawn. 7 - Opinions were not facts - don’t go crazy. 8 - Never doubt your kind or your nickname.
Poem |Platform in Winter | December 21 | 2023
Old lights lit yellow. Platform chilled by winter breeze. Men wait for 13. Emmy Horstkamp
Haiku – Morning Three Trees Autumn field
Golden leaves tremble Three trees stand tall in dawn Autumn paints the field. Da Vinci AI (poet)
Autumns final work, morning blue, clouds grey, soil black. Three trees standing tall. Storey Tarris UK & Da Vinci AI (poets)
Information about Haiku Poetry
- Poetry does not require a verb in each line.
- A haiku structure is 5,7,5.