Next station- look right. Stop. Don’t stare; view blurred each time. Platform, sign fared-gone. Emmy Horstkamp 5/1/2024 SE7

Next station- look right. Stop. Don’t stare; view blurred each time. Platform, sign fared-gone. Emmy Horstkamp 5/1/2024 SE7
End station Kings Cross. Graffiti covered inside. Bumpy second class. Emmy Horstkamp 4/1/2024 SE7
Morning after storm, Heron flying overhead, quietly turning. Emmy Horstkamp 3/1/24 SE7
Darkness - lights above. Outside windows pass like film. See forty circles. Emmy Horstkamp 02/01/2024 SE7
Speed for commuting, set at forty; Somewhere near. Windows lit for work. Emmy Horstkamp 02/01/2024 SE7
See six lights forward. One small light to the back -dim…Blackness waiting for nothing. Emmy Horstkamp 31/12/2023
Avoiding puddles, Voice. Misted words still walking- path covered with boughs. Emmy Horstkamp 31/12/2023 SE7
Rainwater flowing, under bridge now flooded full. Tardy water dripping. Emmy Horstkamp 31/12/2023 SE7
Morning puddles filled. Willow branch fallen free. Swaying green branches. Emmy Horstkamp 31/12/23 SE7
Electricity ... Flowing up through my body Train leaves in Seven. Emmy Horstkamp 23/12/23
Old lights lit yellow. Platform chilled by winter breeze. Men wait for 13. Emmy Horstkamp
Raindrop travel slowed. Train flows, happily freeing, showing winds presence. Emmy Horstkamp 21/12/23
*Raindrop travel slowed. – Note: Poem interrupted by Surveillance on the 14th finished on the 21st.
Golden leaves tremble Three trees stand tall in dawn Autumn paints the field. Da Vinci AI (poet)
Autumns final work, morning blue, clouds grey, soil black. Three trees standing tall. Storey Tarris UK & Da Vinci AI (poets)
Walkway heron stands. Morning whispers on the breeze. Peaceful water flows. Da Vinci AI
Heron stands waiting Morning breeze flowing on time Train heading for the town. Storey Tarris UK & Da Vinci AI
Early morning by the Narrowboat a heron decided to stand next to my boat. He usually is over by the marsh hunting.