SINK – Poetry from the Fire Swamp is published

Fox Raven published the Storey Tarris UK & Emmy Horstkamp Poetry book entitled Sink – Poetry from the Fire Swamp on March 31, 2024 The collaborators are working on Book 2.

Publication Error

There are two errors in the formatting of the book. Storey Tarris UK will stamp the errors with her date stamp and sign the book. If you are in the London area, she will meet with you on Monday / Tuesdays. If you request a meeting for date stamping, the stamped book will be photographed and added to the Storey Tarris UK memoir series.

We do not have a location for you to send the book for stamping at the moment. There is a possibility for date stamping by mail starting in September 2024.

Guests, Never Listed / March 7 / 2024

Morning alone on the line
Ringing Zip Zip Zip Zap
Impossible Woman's life
means I mean something.
Excuses scrubbed history,
Starched and pressed thursday
creased down the middle.

By Emmy Horstkamp 7/3/2024
Storey Tarris UK March 7/3/2024 Commuter Series

The Other Way / March 5 / 2024

Immobile clouds hovering,
other way to the channel train.
Rain falling gently,
needing a rest station stop.
Waiting and calling a day,
silhouettes drawn up, covered up, cut out Tuesday.

by Emmy Horstkamp  5/3/2024

Out in the Crowd / March 4 / 2024

Out in the crowd - Look, take a chance, go.
Moments passing, life alarms and black birds overhead.
A mist rising, doors closing, sun beams relaying.
Monday started.
Evaporating with morning, spring arrives
Year's week nine.
Commuter Series – Storey Tarris UK – March 4, 2024 – Monday

Fenzeit   – February 23 / 2024

Recasting a life with Fenzeit and smack.
Gamefree dashing through half squares,
swiping flying starts - takeoff.
Ideal morning start signalled on train platform.
Recharged steps launching up and over the bridge walk.

by Emmy Horstkamp 23/2/2024
Zenseit – Commuter Series – Storey Tarris UK – 23-2-2024

Between the Two / February 20 / 2024

Buildings on standby - archiving by brick and colour.
Life to 47 passes by -what happened in 48.
How long do I have bricklayer?
My photos archive the bricks and colours
Will you let me write down on paper,
The story facades of today?
Storey Tarris UK photograph for commuter series 20/2/2024

Conversations / February 7 2024

Informal eight Commute
full of noise and bikes;
Looselipped conversations.

by Emmy Horstkamp

This morning, I commuted to work three hours later than usual. The crowd at the later time is different. The commuters sat together and talked during the trip, a little like the early afternoon commute.

They talked about work and other things which happened the day before or that day. I heard their words while standing near a bunch of foldable bikes. Someone was talking about the bikes and saying that if the queen stood next to a bike, the person might lose the bike if she stood by a bike, the bike could possibly be hers. So if the queen was standing like I was next to his or her bike, the owner of the bike would have to wait to see if the queen walked off the train with the bike or asked him to assemble the bike and then rode off on it.

I realised after hearing this conversation that there is a little bit of risk owning things in the United Kingdom. People of the Aristocracy or the Monarchy could ruin your commuter day by just liking your bike and inferring that they want it.

I promise the universe that if I want a second bike, I will go to the store and buy it. I will never take a bike away from someone except in an emergency, and then I would pay you for it. Promise.

No crying eyes ok.

Draft: Morning Stamping | Storeyean Poem | January 4 | 2024| Emmy Horstkamp

8 - Morning stamping drives days update recording thoughts - modernising.
7- Making known so many clues— tip offs.
6- Objections and protestations of demurred disputes.
5. Modernize your grievances - injustices blasting.
4- Opportunity damaged - wrongly rumbled.
3- Reported Hoo-ha pain.
2- Earned rap.
2-Update jacket,
3- verified record sleeve,
4- environmental wrapper electrified 24/7.
5- noncontributory marking time- watching vaguely.
6- Amending on edge waiting a nod.
7 Telling hopeful and anxious set- hands free.
8- Extinguished expectations of at fingertips inline trust.